Friday, March 02, 2007

Review 112: Journey South - Journey South

Debut abomination from the Brothers Grim.

A sad, sad fact that this album, this wretched, soulless, manipulative album - was number one. But guess when it was released, True Believers? The week before Mother's Day. What a coincidence, eh? So, every stupid housewife in Britain got this as a Mothers Day present from their unimaginative "hey, we seen them on TV", teenage (probably pregnant) daughter.

So who are these gimps, then? Simple - reality television contestants. They didn't win it, of course, but since when did THAT mean anything anymore? We've already had the winner, Captain Bland's efforts, then we had the comedy foreigner Chico's "wacky" single, then there was that other guy who's name escapes me who looks like he's a week away from starvation - and now this. And who says these things are clogging up the charts? And, um, isn't it "the winner" who gets the record deal? But hey - there's a lot of morons who buy these things with plenty of cash to go round, so why not give everyone a shot?

What galls me is the absolute lack of any effort involved here. There's no soul, there's no passion - an album consisting entirely of cover versions. And not just covers that mean anything to these guys - the most predictable, easily recognisable popular songs out there. It's not just depressing, it's downright insulting.

What kind of musical heritage is today's generation being left with? Record after record of boring, smiley faced pub singers and karaoke chancers. Where "being a nice singer" means being a superstar.

Of course, this band won't last. These fly-by-nights never do. It'll be Reality TV Show number 435 soon, so there'll be another lorryload of faceless idiots for Generation Dead-Eyed to swoon over. I think I'm going to be sick.

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