Saturday, May 06, 2006

An Announcement From The Curmudgeon

Well, that's almost been a month since The Fortress opened its doors, and whilst this place hasn't exactly been fit to bursting, I would like to thank the few dedicated members for continuing to show up and, well, mouth off.

It was never, and will never be, my intention to get a thousand members or anything like that. The idea was always to have a solid base of ten, maybe fifteen like minded people who log in every couple of days to "hang out", as it were. It's not really THAT unrealistic a goal; my Amazon reviews (which have this site address on them) have gained 408 positive reviews. Now if just ten percent of those people came onto the site... well, you see where I'm going with this.

Thing is, this website I've joined up on is far too restrictive. Anyone coming in can only talk about or comment on what I'M getting all hot and bothered about, and that's hardly keeping in touch with the "say anything" attitude I had in mind when I originally started this.

So, here's the deal. If there IS something you want to say, some rant or subject you want to give your two cents on - write it and mail it to me, and I'll put it on the site as an individual entry that people can comment on. It's not a perfect situation (I would like for anyone to come in and post their thoughts) but there's nothing I can do about that. This is the best solution.

Don't worry, I'm still going to be on here spewing venom and bile, but if YOU want to give your views on something I've not covered, or whatever (remember the rule - ANYTHING goes in The Fortress) then mail me here..

You don't have to, of course. If you're happy popping along and reading what The Curmudgeon is saying then that is all well and groovy. But, hey - choice is everything. Without it we'd be communists.

So, come along to The Fortress Of Solitude and vent your spleen. You'll live longer, and look sexier.


The Curmudgeon said...

Wha.. oh shit, is THAT how it's done? Dammit, all this time I've been hanging out with virgins and drinking the blood of ugly people. I'm beginning to look like Mr Snrub.

And who gets THAT reference?

The Curmudgeon said...


Wolfman - you are TOO cool.