Thursday, May 04, 2006

Review 60: Bratz Baby Doll Cloe

Not wanting to upset the kids or anything, but....

Well, if ever proof were needed that the world has gone to Hell - look no further than this abomonation. For those that haven't actually heard of these toys, take a look at them. They're called "Bratz", and are aimed at pre-teenage girls. They dress like hookers, have big pouting lips and are obviously aimed at adults that don't know any better to buy their impressionable little girls. "Bratz" isn't the word I would use - I think "Slutz" would be a more fitting term. Seriously - take a look at the others they have on sale here. Am I the only one to think there's just something a bit off about this whole range?

But that's not all - let's have these Bratz as BABIES, dressed as hookers - how adorable is that? Answer - not at all. The Curmudgeon is no prude, but this sort of image is just not healthy, and certainly nothing to be encouraged. Kids buying these dolls will want to LOOK like these dolls - so cue your darling nine year old daughter dressing up like Christina Aguliera in her Dirrty video. Perfect if you're that odd guy from two door down who watches kids through the keyhole, but for ordinary people it's a scary step too far.

Don't get me wrong - kids need toys. Kids need to play, they need imagination and fun and games. What they DON'T need is some cynical toy aimed at the kids who spend their days melting their brains watching the endless T&A on MTV and want their dolls to look like the girls gyrating on screen. It's sick and wrong, and is just one more example of corrupting the youth that we all seem to take for granted these days.

Bottom line? If you buy these toys for your kids you're a BAD PARENT.

But then, maybe you're reading this and laughing at that carazzy old Curmudgeon and his wacky views. Go ahead - buy the doll, give in to your whinging offspring. May I suggest a nice compliment gift to go with it? How about a nice pack of birth-control pills?


The Curmudgeon said...

I aim to please. And infuriate.

The Curmudgeon said...

Dear God that's hideous. You have to wonder at the knuckle-draggers who would buy that. And you have to fear for the pondlife that would go "awwwww." Yeeesh. Grade A Nightmare Fuel.