Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Review 5: Star War Trilogy

Don't be tempted! Walk away!

Star Wars. It really has tested my patience over the years. The God-awful prequels for one (although Ep3 was alright), and of course, proof positive that George Lucas' beard had taken over his brain - the Special Edition cuts.

Don't shrug your shoulders and go "ah, it's only minor little cuts, it doesn't really matter." YES IT DOES. It matters because George Lucas is NOT giving you the movies that YOU want. George Lucas is telling YOU, the consumer, what to buy. Even though every Star Wars fan wants the movie they grew up with, the living beard wants to shove HIS inferior, and make no mistake about it, they are VASTLY inferior, versions down your throat. It's the sign of an ego-trip like no other, and you should NOT have anything to do with it.

But what do you do if you want the movies? Simple. Ebay. They're some pretty good bootleg sets going around, with all the extras and the laser disc (so still excellent picture quality) ORIGINAL versions - of the movies YOU want.

Please note I HATE piracy with a burning passion, but this is the ONLY way to get the REAL Star Wars. And give Lucas the finger while you're at it.

Star Wars - quite simply one of the best things ever. BUT DO NOT BUY THIS BOXSET.

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